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The worship leader needs to be able to rely on the band. As mentioned in the previous section about Leading, the band needs to have a flexibility that will continue the flow of God's leading into that particular moment. We are being led by the Holy spirit to guide us so we can enable people to come to a place of life changing worship. There are various things therefore that are essential to becoming flexible, and more malleable to the leading of the Spirit


Musicians at OBC need to

  •  Know their instrument and the songs well enough to be able to be musically flexible

  • Practicing and having music lessons ideally

  • Do not need to have had gone through grades but need to be able to play 

  •  Listen, watch and be attentive and cooperative with with the leader

  •  Know their musical place in the band, to know when and where to refrain from playing as well as play

  •  Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit in their playing

  •  Tune into the mood and feel of the music 

  •  Play their instrument by ear

  •  Follow chord charts as opposed to written music


​Musicians at OBC are encouraged to: 

  •  Multi Skill, or at least have an idea of what it is like to play on various instruments so that they can play with greater understanding of their place within the band


We do not run the Church, and therefore the music group, as a business, or a professional band. There are no formal auditions but you will be encouraged to attend practices and the music coordinator dialogue with you to ascertain when you are ready to play in Church. 

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